ATGP endorses DigiPi - created by Craig - KM6LYW
What is DigiPi?
The DigiPi is the ultimate hot-spot for all amateur radio data modes, including APRS, ax.25, winlink email, ft8, js8cal, slowscanTV, PSK31, packet and even CW. The implementation is an elegant, inexpensive, low-power, open-source Raspberry-Pi--based amateur radio data transceiver, managed exclusively by web browsers or smart-phone apps, with no bulky keyboards, monitors or complicated wiring.
Packet radio Terminal Node Controler KISS interface via wifi or bluetooth
Use with xastir, yaac, woad, aprsdroid, and any open-standard KISS apps
APRS WebChat interface
Send instant messages over the APRS packet network via your web browser
APRS Packet Radio Network digipeater
Repeat packets heard on 144.390 and 144.800(europe)
APRS Packet Radio network IGate
Bridge APRS Network to the Internet for email, sms, and other online services
Winlink email server
Listen for Winlink radio clients requesting to send/recieve email
Winlink email client
Pat, web-based inbox/outbox email interface
- ARDOP sound modem to connect to winlink servers world-wide on HF bands
Woad Winlink Android app connects to DigiPi via wireless TNC/KISS interface
Ultra low signal-to-noise ratio contacts via web-browser/wifi/phone
JS8 Call
Ultra low signal-to-noise ratio keyboard-to-keyboard via web-browser/wifi/phone
CW, PSK31, RTTY, Contessa, FSQ, Hell, IFKP, MFSK MT63, Olivia, PSK QPSK, 8PSK, PSKR, THOR, Throb, WeatherFax
Slow Scan TV
Send/receive images via web-browser/wifi/phone
AX.25 Networking
- Radio connected network protocol used for winlink/node services IP tunnel, with actual address on the internet (44.* for amateur radio)
- Node Services
- Run your own bulletin board, or messaging service
- Connect to other nodes, via intermediate nodes
DigiPi and Appalachian Trail Golden Packet
- The Appalachian Trail Golden Packet is giving consideration to using DigiPi in conjunction with the
Learn More About Digi-Pi
You can learn more about DigiPi by visiting the official DigiPi website:
You can support Craig and his countless hours of efforts to build and maintain DigiPi by becoming a supporter on Patreon. A few dollars a month goes a long way! Every bit counts!